Sunday Service Reopening
What to expect
While things may look and feel different when we return, we are thankful for the opportunity to gather safely together. Thank you for working with us to provide a safe and loving environment for all worshipers.
- Arrive early to allow time for seating. Please follow all instructions upon arrival.
- Building access will be from the Eastside Front Entrance only.
- We cannot offer childcare at this time and use of the nursery is not available.
- Alternating pews have been closed to allow for social distancing.
- Seat cushions have been removed.
- An Elder will escort individuals or same household groups to seats, in order to maintain social distancing and to best utilize our space. Front pews will be filled first.
- Attendance will be taken by an Elder as you enter.
- Pew Bibles and Hymnals have been removed. We encourage you to bring your own personal resources or devices.
- Printed Bulletins will not be handed out, but the service will be projected on the screens.
- Communion will not be offered at this time.
- Offering plates will not be passed during service. We ask that giving be done online, or by placing offering in the dropbox provided as you exit. Thank you for your continued generosity!
- After the service concludes, please remain in your seat until you are ushered out by an Elder. In order to maintain proper social distancing, please exit the building and do not congregate in the Narthex.
- No on-site Bible Study or Coffee Fellowship at this time.
Conditions for entry
We love our church community, and out of respect and a desire to protect all worshipers, we ask everyone attending to abide by the following:
- Please wear a mask at all times while inside the building and during the entire worship service. Masks are provided or bring your own.
- Please use the provided hand sanitizer upon building entry.
- If you have a fever or symptoms of Covid-19 or have been exposed to someone diagnosed with the virus recently, we encourage you to stay at home.
- Respect social distancing guidelines and remain 6 feet apart from others except those in your household.
Online worship opportunities
We encourage you to stay at home if you are at “high risk” for contracting Covid-19. Or if you just don’t feel comfortable returning to in-person service, please stay home. We have online worship opportunities available.
- Recorded sermons online
- Facebook Page
- Bible Study Online